Thursday, January 30, 2014

Children's Ministry Pancake Breakfast

Last Sunday, January 26, was our Children's Ministry's Annual Pancake Breakfast. The breakfast serves two purposes.  First, all of our children are GREAT doers.  They love to help and serve and be givers.  Our 3rd -5th graders especially and a few younger kids participate by serving and collecting and doing the dishes.   The congregation was very generous.  We use the money donated for scholarships for Vacation Bible School and all the events and retreats for which there is a charge.  We want every child to be able to participate in any activity we offer.  Workshop of Wonders is our 2014 VBS being planned for June 23-27, 2014. Thank you to all who helped, enjoyed the pancakes and supported our ministry!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy Chinese New Year!

 On Tuesday, January 21, members of Trinity's English as a Second Language Class - led by Cynthia Mousel - invited the Trinity staff to a New Year's feast! The delicious food was prepared by the class members and featured labels in Chinese and English.

Classes are held twice each week in 12 week sessions. For more information on our English as a Second Language classes, visit our website.