We were able to recognize our exceptionally talented graduating seniors as they prepare to head off to college.

On Friday, June 6, twelve juniors and seniors leave to spend 10 days in rural Guatemala where they will build a home for a widow and her five children, visit the John Wesley School and meet the student they sponsor, visit a local pastor and his family's weaving project, and learn the history of village of Lemoa where they will be staying. The youth will be taking prayer quilts with them to give to families in Guatemala. The quilts were made by Trinity's Prayer Quilt Team. Congregation members were invited to tie a prayer knot onto the quilts.
In July, Trinity's Middle High youth will spend three days right here in Denver doing mission work and exploring the city through God's eyes. The youth will host an ice cream and games party at the Olin Hotel, make sandwiches to hand out to those who spend their days at Civic Center Park, volunteer with Metro CareRing, decorate bags for Project Angel Heart meal deliveries and serve lunch to our downtown neighbors here in Fellowship Hall.
Also in July, eleven senior high youth will spend a week in Pine Ridge, South Dakota focusing on the Native American culture and learning about the complex issues facing the community. They will paint houses, lead Kid's Club and listen and learn from the wisdom traditions of others.
We will share updates on our youth and these exciting mission trips as the summer progresses.
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