There is never a dull moment during VBS week, and Cristina has shared a recap of the festivities. What a week it was!
This way my first Trinity Vacation Bible School experience, and I was truly a rookie; I never attended VBS as a kid, and I had never worked in a VBS program before. One in-service meeting later, though, and I was assigned to be a crew leader! I was excited to learn the ropes from Kathy Gibb and her amazing VBS team. My VBS group, the Rachel Rays, (the kids were assigned to age-appropriate groups, and “The Chefs” were mostly second and third graders) were Trinity experts. I was lucky enough to have both Marleigh Cummins (daughter of Angie Cummins) and Reagan Scheminske (daughter of Sharon and Erick Scheminske) to help show me the ropes and teach me the Agadoo dance (Linda Marshall is also an Agadoo expert if anyone would like a lesson).
There were many moments during VBS week that I felt very lucky to be a part of: Clara Rutledge going door to door to raise money for the Habitat for Humanity mission; the surprise and pleasure on the faces of the Habitat for Humanity staff when we presented them with the flowerpots our kids had made to welcome our five families to their new homes; learning that our eggshell crosses were made using eggshells from our youth group’s burrito breakfasts (a great example of our Trinity family working together!), and the great joy our kids brought to the congregation when they sang our VBS songs during service.
I had a great time and was so impressed by the dedication of all the VBS volunteers. Running a week long camp for more than 100 children is a massive undertaking and it could not have happened without the incredibly hard work of many people. I want to give particular thanks to Andrea Evashevski and Aubrey Monckton for the innumerable hours they spent organizing, planning, and participating in VBS. I should mention, too, that Aubrey makes a very convincing Queen Esther. Special thanks is also due to Julie Belcher and Jan Wywrot for running the Science room (and teaching the kids to make truly delicious mustard, among other things); Betty Shropshire and Ariana Martinez for their work in the craft room; Liz Rodriguez for making Rivet, the VBS mascot/puppet, come alive for the kids; Erin Johnson and Abbey Watkins for taking charge of the outdoor games; and Nelisha Firestone and Linda Marshall for their work to prepare the kids for their music performance on VBS Sunday. The heroic behind the scenes efforts of the endlessly creative and talented Allison Watkins made the week possible. The list of the crew leaders and other volunteers (including many members of Trinity’s youth group who did a fantastic job) without whom VBS would not have been a success would go on and on, and I was so appreciative of everyone’s help. Of course, 2014 VBS would not have happened at all without Kathy Gibb; her devotion to making Trinity a welcoming and joyful place for children is something I will work very hard to emulate.
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