Thursday, February 25, 2016

"Searching for Sunday" Lenten Devotional Series: Imperfections

Thursday, February 25

And Jesus took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.Mark 10:16

I spent 26½ years on the staff of three United Methodist Churches.  This time has not been without humor.  They say that laughter is the best medicine. Here are some of my favorite Sunday stories that still make me chuckle.

It was my first children’s time in worship as the new Director of Christian Education and   I really wanted to make a good first impression.  Ready with my story I took the microphone and began, but instantly I could tell my voice wasn’t carrying.  I began frantically looking for the on/off switch. Some lady on the front row kept motioning to me with hand actions.  I had no clue what she was trying to tell me.  Finally she just said out loud “Kathy you have the microphone upside down!!”  I quickly righted the microphone and quipped, “This is the last mistake I am ever going to make in this church." 

5:00 Christmas Eve service at Trinity is known for an abundance of wide eyed children, many of whom are too young or too excited to remain quiet in “big church.”  One of my co-workers, commented “It sounds like the cattle are lowing.”   Here are some of my humorous memories from the “cattle are lowing service."

  • The year the two preteen boys who had volunteered to light the Christ candle  proceeded to race down the aisle so fast that they literally blew the light on the acolyte wand out before they reached the front of the sanctuary. 
  • Or the Christmas the angel’s wings got stuck in the door and the shepherd’s came in right on cue to the wrong scripture.

And so we are reminded that real people are participating in real church and grace abounds in spite of our human efforts for perfection.

Thank you God for all the moments when you speak to our souls even when things aren’t perfect. Amen.

Kathy Gibb

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