Saturday, March 26, 2016

"Searching for Sunday" Lenten Devotional Series: Sunday Stories—Changing the Direction of our Lives

Saturday, March 26

Sunday Stories—Changing the Direction of our Lives

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.Philippians 4:6

Several Sundays ago, about 18 years’ worth, we were introduced to a new “tool” for churches called the “Spiritual Inventory”.  We would not have volunteered to take it, but were asked by George Brunner and Susan Patterson-Sumwalt, and so we each filled out the questionnaire and the following Sunday we had a short meeting to discuss the results.  Interestingly, both Arlen & I rated highest in “intercessory prayer”—a term we were not familiar with even though we actively prayed for others. 

The experience led us to some evening meetings with a group of interested persons including a couple of people at TUMC who were, and still are, actively involved in the Trinity United Methodist Church Prayer Team.  Within a short time, we became involved and have been ever since. 

The TUMC Prayer Team including about 50 congregation members and the clergy staff faithfully pray daily and weekly for the many prayer requests we receive through the prayer cards on Sunday and calls or emails during the week.  Prayer requests are sent to Team members by email throughout the week.

The Prayer Team does not pray as a group together—no meetings to attend. Each member prays in their own home on their own schedule with the one requirement of confidentiality—to respect the privacy of the request. Each Team member signs a “Confidentiality Form”.  

Praying for others is a very spiritual experience—a meaningful relationship with the Holy Spirit; a greater connection with others, opportunities for strengthening our faith and a deeper awareness of the presence of God in our lives.  There is such tremendous POWER in PRAYER—it is humbling and rewarding to be part of seeing God in action in so many ways.  

Gracious God, thank you for loving us all and hearing our prayers.  Amen.
Nancy McFaddin

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