Friday, June 24, 2016

Trinity Marched in the Denver Pride Parade

Several Trinity members took part in the Pride Parade festivities last weekend alongside a large group from area United Methodist churches. Here are some reflections from those who were there:

"There was wonderful positive energy among the United Methodist Churches and the members who came to show support for the LGBT community. As we walked, we shouted responsively: 'We are United...' 'Methodist.' It felt good to hear positive responses from the people watching. What stood out most to me from inside the parade and from observing the people lining the route where flowing color and an atmosphere of celebration and pride." — Linda Sperber

"I witnessed a variety of ages, including many, many young parents with preschool children sitting on the curb. The crowds were heavy (3 to 5 persons deep) the entire route. As our church groups passed, many cheered and applauded. It was a priceless privilege to participate as a visible witness of inclusivity. Our churches communicated a genuine ministry of presence and acceptance to all persons, regardless of ethnicity or sexual preferences. We had approximately ten United Methodist churches represented with a total of about 125 participants." — Don Peterson

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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

This World Is Not Ours

By Rev. Jasper Peters, Associate Pastor
Though we often believe otherwise, this world is not ours, but rather it belongs to God. We are invited to be good stewards of it, but even then, only for a moment. We inherit it from those who come before us, and we are required to prepare it for those who will come after us. This is true of the world and every structure within. Our beloved ecclesial body, the United Methodist Church, is in a precarious position. Some characterize it as a conflict between progressives and conservatives, while others view it as the choice between faithfulness to tradition versus faithfulness to Christian inclusivity. I would submit that this conversation is in many ways a conflict between our past and our future. The conversation about "human sexuality," or LGBTQ+ inclusion has dominated the conversation among United Methodists for 44 years. We are now being invited to determine what will be the context of our conversation going forward. 
The young people of our church made a statement at General Conference a few weeks ago. They invite us to remain connected, believing that our church has the ability to be vital, faithful, and inclusive in the days and years to come. I am inspired to hold this church together because I know it is not mine, at least not really. I am only trying to be a good steward for the fleeting moments during which I am invited to be faithful. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Mission Moment - Trinity Runs Colfax

In the Old Testament, the prophet Habakkuk laments to the Lord and asks God to listen and to save his people. God answers Habakkuk by telling him that outsiders will be sent as an act of judgment. Upon hearing this, Habakkuk laments again. God responds to Habakkuk a second time and says:

“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner may read it. For there is still a vision for the appointed time; it speaks of the end, and does not lie. If it seems to tarry, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay. Look at the proud! Their spirit is not right in them, but the righteous live by their faith”

I’m telling you about Habakkuk because I think we may have, at some point, lamented to the Lord about the Sunday road races. In response, it seems that the races keep happening. This year seemed to be the appointed time for us to do something different. This year, the 11th annual Colfax Marathon was held on May 15th, on Pentecost Sunday, the 50th day of Easter. Rather than lament, we lived by our faith as Easter people and found a way to embrace this race, hence Trinity Runs Colfax

     12 runners of Team Trinity ran a total of 196.5 miles in 37.7 hours (average pace of 11’ 30” per mile). We had 4 runners in the full marathon, 6 runners in the half marathon, 1 runner in the 10-miler, and 1 runner in the 5k.
     As we ran our race, some of us said prayers for our homebound brothers and sisters. Many of you prayed for us and the thousands of runners running that day.
     To support the job training programs at Metro Caring and DenUM, I asked if you would be willing to pledge a penny for every mile we ran to give a small gift. Many of you responded. As a result, we have raised nearly $2500 for Metro Caring and DenUM.
     A small group gathered every Thursday evening at the home of BillieAnne and Jason Kennedy during the weeks of Easter to read the Trial of Miles, Miles of Trials devotion, have a discussion on what it means to be Easter people, and listen to Bruce Springsteen.
     Emma Mueller and Cami Twilling designed a Trinity Runs Colfax t-shirt. These shirts were worn by our Chancel Choir, Youth, children, and many of you on race day

When I was running in the marathon two weeks ago, I saw a vision on 17th and Broadway. From a block or two away, I saw a bright yellow beacon. As I approached this beacon, I saw a group of children, youth, and adults cheering marathoners with signs and encouraging words. I heard a choir singing and making a joyful noise. I saw a church blessing and being blessed by the community. I saw us.

As your Lay Leader, I hope we celebrate what we’ve done and to rest up. The 12th annual Colfax Marathon will be May 21st, 2017. I’m no Biblical scholar, but I heard that the number 12 is mentioned nearly 190 times in the Bible.