Wednesday, August 16, 2017

You won’t believe what happened!

By Allison Watkins, Director of Children's Ministry

One Sunday morning shortly after Easter I had the privilege of teaching the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade Sunday School class. The lesson for this particular day was from John 21:15. The disciples have finished their breakfast on the beach and Peter and Jesus are having a conversation. Jesus has asked Peter three times if he loves him. 

Soon the lesson was suspended when questions were popping up. Without any planning the children were asking and answering their own questions – they were teaching each other! They remembered another Bible lesson when Jesus told Peter he would deny him three times before he died. Another child pointed out the coincidence of the number three. Three times Peter denied Jesus; after three days Jesus rose from the dead; three times Jesus asked Peter if he loved him; the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Then one boy asked, “How do we know that this really happened?”  I asked him if he ever came home from school with an exciting story and said, “You won’t believe what happened today!” I explained that in the time that Jesus lived such amazing things happened that the disciples wanted to share the news with everyone. The people who met and knew Jesus wanted to share what had happened when they witnessed Jesus.

When we returned back to the lesson we learned that Jesus is asking Peter to tend to his sheep, feed his sheep and follow him. The young boy needed more clarification and then asked, “So, that’s what we’re supposed to do?  Feed his sheep and follow him and spread the word?”

I have shared this story several times since I witnessed these smart, beautiful children learning and living the way Jesus taught us and asked us to live. They were kind and loving and respectful to each other. I was filled with joy and couldn’t wait to tell everybody “You won’t believe what happened today!”

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. — John 13:34 ESV

Interested in helping with Trinity's Children's Ministry? Come to the Children's Sunday School Training/Information Meeting on Sunday, August 27, 9 a.m., in the Red Room (Level 2 Children's Area). You'll learn more about the ways you can help by volunteering or donating supplies:

  • Sunday School Teachers and Assistants
  • Check-in Desk
  • Worship Bags
  • Classroom Supplies
  • Special Events
  • Nursery Help
  • Donations of Goods
Contact Allison Watkins, Director of Children's Ministry, for more information: or 303-839-1493 x22.