Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Christmas Poem

By Judith Anne Mitchell, Trinity's Director of Music & Arts

Light is coming into the world.
          Can you see it?
Music is coming into the world.
          Can you hear it?
Love is coming into the world.
          Can you receive it?
Peace is coming into the world.
          Can you live it?

Oh, these four are huge and will not be missed;
Could not possibly go unnoticed!
Our world is so dark – we shall surely see Light.
Our world is so noisy – we shall surely hear music.
Our world is so hate-filled – we shall surely receive love.
Our world is at war – we shall surely want to live in peace.

But remember, the Wise Men wandered
For over 700 days
Trying to follow One Star.

And shepherds in fields under the stars
Never felt the need to follow a star
But heard music and somehow found the cave
Where Jesus was born.

How inconvenient of God to wait until Mary’s ninth month
To put her on a donkey’s back
To travel to Bethlehem.

Oh, God – what a mystery:
In order to see, we close our eyes;
In order to hear, we go within;
In order to receive, we let, not make, life happen.
In order to live and become wise, we wander many paths.

Oh, God – what a mystery:
The Light to show us the way
Hidden in the dark.
The Music of angels
Hidden in plain sound.
The hope of love
Hidden in our vulnerability.
The peace of the whole world
Hidden in the cave of our hearts.

We are all
Wise ones, shepherds, angels, children, mothers, fathers,
creatures on the ultimate Star Trek home.

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