Saturday, February 20, 2016

"Searching for Sunday" Lenten Devotional Series: Confession

Saturday, February 20

An Invitation for Reflection through Lent Week Two

In the phrase “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” What do you think ashes represent (Jeremiah 6:26)?
            What do you think dust represents ( Genesis 3:19)?
            Are ash and dust the same?
How do we change from ash and dust with the death and resurrection of Christ according to 1 Corinthians 15:47-49?

Have you ever had a “crisis of faith”?

Have you been through a time when your own belief system seemed to be in contradiction or contrast to what you’d been taught or what those around you held to be true or acceptable?
            If so, how did you deal with that difference?

Would you consider going to a church where people are comfortable being uncomfortable, where dirty laundry is no longer hidden and people come just as they are?
What about that would be difficult and what would be better than where you’ve been before?

Evans writes, “Cynicism may seem a mild transgression, but it is a patient predator that suffocates hope, slowly, over many years . . .”
            What does this mean?
Have you ever been cynical about a situation or lost your hope?
Evans says that “many of our sins begin with fear” . . . where do you see evidence of fear in your life or the world today?

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