Monday, March 21, 2016

"Searching for Sunday" Lenten Devotional Series: "Is Today Sunday?"

Monday, March 21
“Is Today Sunday?”

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.Psalm 118:42

While I was in graduate school, my grandfather had to have back surgery with several weeks of rehab.  After Thanksgiving, I spent two weeks in Florida with my grandparents mainly looking after my grandmother who had Alzheimer’s.  She was physically healthy, mostly capable of caring for herself, but virtually no memory.  

My grandmother was a bundle of energy – always on the go – but needed constant supervision.  I struggled to find activities that would keep her safe, but still allow me to enjoy Florida.  During my stay, she would ask MULTIPLE times a day:  “Is Today Sunday?”   

Why would she need to know this?  What was so important about Sundays? Sundays were important to me too, but they seemed more like work.   My dad was a pastor of a small church, and each member of my family did chores to ensure that Sunday happened.

Come Sunday, we attended a small worship service at grandfather’s care facility.  We arrived early, and during the service, I looked over to see my grandmother beaming. For over an hour, she was totally calm and at peace. She may not have remembered the familiar words, but somehow she remembered the feelings or emotions of Sunday that gave her joy.

Where do I find the joy, peace, and comfort on Sundays?  As I grow older I am appreciating the variety and fulfilling elements of Sundays. Yet just like my grandmother, with my last conscious memory, I will remember simply the joy that Sunday gives.

Prayer:  O Lord, help me to find your peace and joy on Sundays.  Amen.

Susan Long

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